News and Events

What is Happening At Rhawnhurst School?

Upcoming Dates

March 3: Guest Readers

March 4: Kindergarten Open House

March 5 & 19: Pretzel Days ($1.00 due the Tuesday before)

March 7: Early Dismissal for Students

March 14: Parent Workshop

March 17: Wear Green (St. Patrick’s Day)

March 27th & 28th: Report Card Conference Early Dismissal

March 31: School Closed (Eid al-Fitr)

EACH Friday is March is a theme day for classroom teams to participate in:

March 7th: Twin Day

March 14th: Decades Day

March 21st: Superheroes vs. Villians

March 28th: Pajama Day

Class Dojo

Keep up to date on what is happening each day/week around the school and in your child(ren)’s class. (

Academic School Calendar 2024-2025

* Since the calendar is subject to change during the course of the school year, the web version may contain updates not reflected in the printed version of this publication.

Inclement Weather??

Click on the image below to review SDP’s Policy on Snow, Ice, Excessive Heat Weather Closures & Early Dismissals